Thinking of Social Security as Our Biggest Asset

You might have more money stashed away in the Social Security trust fund than anywhere else. In fact, what you put into Social Security very well might be your biggest asset and future source of retirement income.

The Right Time for a Roth Conversion

Watch this webinar hosted by Carson’s Managing Partner of Wealth Solutions, Jamie Hopkins, and Planner, Ryan Yamada, to learn more about when is the right time for a roth conversion.

Social Security Taxation Worksheet

Did you know your Social Security benefits can be taxed? That’s right – up to 85% of your Social Security benefits, money that you put away over your entire career, could be subject to taxation when you receive the benefits in retirement. Our worksheet helps you figure out if you owe, and h …

Getting the Most Out of Your Retirement Savings

Watch the on-demand webinar, hosted by Carson’s Director of Retirement Research Jamie Hopkins and Financial Planning Administrator Michael Gruidel, to learn how to get the most out of your retirement savings. Click Here to Watch the Webinar

Traditional or Roth – Which IRA Works for You?

Many of us all but ignore our retirement accounts for much of our working lives. We look at a pay stub and have a vague sense of the “minuses:” Social Security, insurance, taxes. But the IRA is one of the most powerful retirement savings tools available to us, and so it warrants our attention. 

Maximizing a Retirement Plan as a Small Business Owner

Small business owners wear a lot of hats, so it’s not unusual for them to put off thoughts of retirement. We want to help them feel prepared when that day comes.

How the Biden Administration Could Impact Retirement and Tax Planning

Jamie Hopkins, Director of Retirement Research at Carson, offers insight as our country navigates changes after the inauguration.

How to Make Sense of Retirement and Estate Finance

Retirement is far off until it isn’t. This chapter of life can sneak up on just about anyone, and we do ourselves a favor to be as prepared as we can. Like anything involving the government, finances can be confusing, with different tax treatments, contribution limits, beneficiary rules and more.

Rewirement: Rewiring The Way You Think About Retirement

Jamie Hopkins, Director of Retirement Research at Carson, hosts “Rewirement: Rewiring The Way You Think About Retirement.” A lot has changed since your parents retired, and the world is a more expensive, complex place: Click Here to Watch the Webinar

Planning for Retirement: Medicare, Medicaid and Long-Term Care

Jamie Hopkins, Director of Retirement Research with our partners at Carson Group, put together an on-demand webinar to help you start thinking about these foundational pieces of retirement. Click Here to Watch the Webinar

Business professional using his tablet to check his financial numbers

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